Official Events

Official Events within R'ADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan career.
Egyptian Naval Officer. 1946 till 1977.

For more pictures, please refer to Pictures of Interest.

1950 to 1951 Sub-Lieutenant on board Mine Sweeper EN’S Salloum. Served at Red Sea Area.

1951 January Sub-Lieut Ahmed Fouad in middle on board EN’S Salloum with ship Captain Ibrahim Bayoumi.

1956 Egyptian Naval Officers Graduation.

Lieutenant Ahmed Fouad as Head Tutor leading the graduation ceremony of the Egyptian Naval Officers.

First raw, third from left, VADM Soliman Ezzat Navy Commander. Forth is F. Marshal Abdul-Hakeem Amer Defense Minister. Fifth is President Gamal Abdul-Naser. Last raw third from right Lieutenant Ahmed Fouad Hassan.

1959 to 1960 Attending Courses in USSR
Second from right is Commander Ahmed Fouad Hassan while attending Courses in USSR.

1963 Reception for German Training Vessel
1963 December Captain Ahmed Fouad, left side, as Recon Commander with German Training Vessel Captain of FGS Weiser, right, at Alexandria.

1963 at Port Suez Naval Base
1963 as part of Recon activity in a meeting at Suez Naval Base.

1965 at West Cairo Air Base
1965 November at West Cairo Air Base in a joint Recon activity with Air Force. Captain Ahmed Fouad Hassan Chief of Naval Recon, sixth from left.

1966 11 USS INTREPID crossing Suez Canal
Captain Ahmed Fouad on board USS INTREPID during crossing Suez Canal within the A.R.E. Navy officials. He received a thanking note from US Military Attaché in Egypt. Captain Ahmed Fouad seventh from right

1968 Russian Officers Visit to Port Said
From left, second, Captain Ahmed Fouad Hassan, Commander of Port Said Naval Base. Third, General M. Farid Toulan, Governor of Port Said.

1969 at Nasser Higher Military Command Academy
1969 September Graduation Ceremony from Nasser Higher Military Academy. Captain Ahmed Fouad, tenth from left at back row.

1970 Navy Officers Conference in Abu-Quir Base
1970 at Conference Theater in Abu-Quir Navy Academy. Commodore Ahmed Fouad first right followed by Commodore Samih Ibrahim.

1971 August, Reception for Sudan Navy Commander
First from left Commodore Ahmed Fouad Hassan. Third is RADM Aly Othman Chief of Staff. Fifth is RADM Mahmoud A. Fahmi Chief Commander

1972 June, Reception of Moammar Ghaddafi

First left RADM Mahmoud A. Fahmi Chief Commander. Middle Libyan President Moammar Ghaddafi. Second from right Commodore Ahmed Fouad Hassan

Left RADM Salah Meqati Operations Command. Middle Commodore Ahmed Fouad Hassan Naval Recon. Right RADM Mahmoud A. Fahmi Chief Commander

1972 Visit of Ethiopian Defense Minister
1972 June, reception for Ethiopian Defense Minister at Alexandria Yacht Club. Commodore Ahmed Fouad right side while RADM Mahmoud Fahmy Navy Chief Commander at left.

1972 Sadat visit to Alex Naval Base
This was during the Visit of President Sadat in 1972 to the Navy Head Quarter. From right, Commodore Ahmed Fouad Hassan, Comm, Salah Meqati & Comm, Samih Ibrahim.

1973 June, Military Attaché in Uganda

On the Equator line, one foot at North while other foot at South. Although appointed as Military Attaché, this task lasted three months only and he never wears official uniform. Maybe because of October 1973 war preparations.

RADM Ahmed Fouad at middle of first raw in Uganda with Egyptian Embassy and Ugandan Officials on July 1973. RADM Ahmed Fouad soon called back on August to Navy Head Quarter as October Ware was about to start.

1974 September Visitors to Suez Canal

This picture is taken during Army high command visit uez Canal while RADM A. Fouad was in charge of the SCC operation. Left RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan. Right Field Marshal Ahmed Ismail, Defense Minister

RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan with Military Commanders expecting President Sadat to arrive at Ismailia Air Base.

1976 May, Official Visit to China
Official Military Visit to China, group photo for both sides. First raw, third from left, Field Marshal M. Abdul-Ghany Gamasy, Defense Minister. Fifth, Marshal Abdul-Haleem Abu-Ghazala who became Defense Minister. Back raw sixth from left, RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan.

Official Photo of the Egyptian Armed Forces Delegation before flying to China. RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan forth from left, fifth is Field Marshal Gamasy, Minister of Defence.

Photo taken in China Army facilities with Chinese officers, RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan is second from left.

Photo taken in China Army facilities with Chinese officers, RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan is first from right.

1976 Navy Memorial Day Reception
1976 October, Reception in Yacht Club Alexandria in celebration of Navy Memorial Day. Fr left RADM Ahmed Fouad followed by VADM Fouad Abu-Zikri.

1977 Visit of President Mobutu Sese Seko
Visit of Zaire President Mobutu Sese Seko, renamed as Democratic Republic of the Congo.

At Airport, forth from left, RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan. Eighth is RADM Ashraf Refaat. Right is President Mobutu Sese Seko

Reception on the honor of President Mobutu Sese Seko at Alexandria Yacht Club.

1977 December, End of Service Celebration
1977 December in reception for RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan end of service. Honor Shield and thankful note received from F. Marshal Gamasy, Minister of Defense. 

Pictures without known date.

Left Marshal Abu-Ghazala. Next, RADM Ahmed Fouad

Left, RADM Ahmed Fouad. Right, RADM Ashraf Refaat.

At Alexandria Yacht Club. First from right, RADM Ahmed Fouad. Third, RADM Ashraf Refaat. Fifth, VADM Fouad Abu-Zikri.

Middle, RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan without uniform.
