1946 June till 1948 July, Cadet Ahmed Fouad Hassan
Picture of the
First Egyptian Naval Cadette joined the newly established Egyptian Royal Naval
Academy. This was the First group of 57 Navy Officers. Cadet Ahmed Fouad Hassan
in first row, third from right.
1948 till 1949
Ensign Ahmed Fouad Hassan
Ensign Ahmed Fouad Hassan
Graduated as Royal
Egyptian Navy Ensign in 1948 July and served on board EN’S Salloum.
Served on board EN’S Salloum and acquired Naval Recon skills.
1952 till 1956 Lieutenant Ahmed Fouad Hassan
Served on board EN’S Mine Sweepers and as Tutor
at Naval Academy.
1957 till 1958 Lieutenant Commander Ahmed Fouad
1959 till 1962 Commander Ahmed Fouad Hassan
Started by attending extensive Naval Courses in
Russia for 2 years. Served as Commander of EN’S Al-Kaher. Joined the Naval Recon
during Yemen war.
1963 to 1969 Captain Ahmed Fouad Hassan
Continued in Naval Recon as Chief Commander and started
on his War Staff studies which was done on 1964. Assigned as Chief Commander of
Port Said Naval Base in September 1967. After one month, the Israeli Destroyer
Eilat was sunk by Egyptian Navy Missile boats from Port Said Base. This date of
October 21, 1967 became the The Egyptian Navy Memorial Day. Continued
his studies at Naser Higher Military Command Academy in 1969
1969 to 1972 Commodore Ahmed Fouad Hassan
Continued as Naval Recon Chief Commander.
Participated in preparations for October 1973 war.
1972 to 1977 RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan
of 1972 he was promoted to Rear Admiral and served in October War within the Navy high command staff.
1974 RADM A. F. Hassan was nominated to lead the Suez Canal Clearance Task Force. As Chief Commander, he collaborated with US Sixth Fleet, UK Navy, French
Navy, Egyptian Navy Divers, Egyptian Army Engineering Corp, Suez Canal
Authorities to finish the task known as CTF65, NIMBUS (Moon, Star & Spar) and
RHEOSTAT completed on June 1975.
of 1976, RADM Ahmed Fouad Hassan served in the Navy High Command once again till
his retirement on 1977 in the age of 50.
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